17 June 2008

'twas the day before last

'twas my birthday on Sunday. It was a great day, filled with wonderful things:
- went to lunch with a good friend, followed by some shopping and then seeing her new place
- got a surprise visit from a family friend, including flowers ordered by my parents, delivered straight to me! They smell even better than they look :)
- went for a great walk with roommate, stopped for some wonderful ice cream, and walked back home

I also received lots of great phone calls, birthday wishes, facebook messages and notes on my wall - thank you! It was a good birthday!

10 June 2008


spent two weekend ago with the two above lovely ladies, plus a husband (not mine!)
click on the picture to see more pictures from hanging out, Sarah's office, and a winery visit

spent last weekend with these crazy ladies. i haven't laughed like that in a long time, which is why i love them so much. click on the picture for more.

04 June 2008


time change. everyone's favorite. just came back from an excellent excursion to salem, or. it was good to see Sarah, Neil, and Denise. The last who was so kind as to drive 5 hours to see us for only 24 hours. Thanks, Denise!

Went to work at 8am this morning - woke up at 6:30, but sure felt like it was more like 4:30am! Even when it's not that big of a time change, I still feel the difference. It was a lot easier going the other way, that's for sure.

It's June now, you know. Doesn't really feel like summer to me, though. But, I'm getting some lovely visitors - both Dani and Rachel coming to see me this weekend, and I'm excited for the visit - it will be well worth it!

It seems that in the summer, people's weekends are busier. I suppose that makes sense. At least mine are busier and more filled, probably because I'm more willing to go outside.

Now, if only I can figure out how to use as little gas as possible this summer...I will be a superhero!