28 November 2005

The Big News...

Okay, so, I am officially "allowed" (per my own orders) to tell the world, i.e. whoever reads my blog, about my "big news" that I needed prayers about.

I have moved out of my apartment. I am living at home in our basement, where my brother used to live. I love my roommates dearly (and to all my roommates reading this I love you!), but we don't live well together. Add the stress of the end of the semester on top of that, and it was a recipe for no good. So, for the rest of this semester as well as next semester for sure, I'll be living at home. It's kind of cozy down here - I definitely have more space :)

In other news, I have a major big-old paper due on Friday and I'm hoping I can pull it off - I just sent questions to my primary source and I'm waiting for responses. Now all I have to do is decide how much more I need for sources and whether I can really write 8-10 pages on this topic.

Add to that a 10-page minimum paper due in the near future (he never really set a due date...), numerous exams, and some big written assignments in Spanish, and you've got my life for the next 3 weeks.

So, it's back to the sawmill. I've got 45 minutes before I have to work and I should probably get something productive done!


Andrea said...

you can do it....

Anonymous said...

Ummm.... isn't the sawmill usually for... sawing logs? That would count as productive in my book.

Nikki said...

good call. you're a genius.