02 April 2007

6 random things

(I stole this from numerous people, but it sounded like fun!)

1. When getting ready in the morning, I dance to Latin music, even in front of the mirror while blow drying my hair.
2. When I get angry or frustrated or stressed, I clean things. The kitchen is usually the cleaning area of choice.
3. I regularly watch a Spanish telenovela (technically, a soap opera) since I watched it with my Costa Rican family all last semester.
4. I listen to Black Eyed Peas music.
5. If I could be anywhere in the world, it would be in an indigenous island off the coast of Panama.
6. Baseball season marks an exciting time of the year for me - it means baseball watching with my dad and it feels like more worthwhile watching than anything else on TV.

There they are. Your turn.


Ruth said...

I like.
I read Andrea's too.
It was good to see you on tour.
Have fun writing papers.
And Welcome to the fantastic month of April! :-D

Andrea said...

It's supposed to be stuff I don't know, silly! = ) Much love.