11 September 2007

....por fin.

Well folks, this is the blog post you've all been waiting for:

I have a job!

I was called in for an interview today with an office that does MRI Imaging - I faxed them my resume almost a month ago, so I had actually forgotten about them... Anyway, the interview was this afternoon and after a long and somewhat random interview, I was offered the job, full time, in the wage range I was looking for!

So, I'll be the assistant (mostly administrative?) to the owner of the office, starting tomorrow morning at 10am! I'm sure I'll have more details later, but for now I'm just super excited to finally have employment!


Denise said...


Anonymous said...

I second Denise's comment, God IS good. Knikki Luv, that is very thrilling news. Yay. I got your card too. Thank you so much. I laughed loudly and it's now on my bulletin board.

Wesley said...


Kunnari said...

hey congrats! your mom requested prayers for your job search at church last weekend. it worked!

Rachel:) said...

YAY!!! for a job! i am soo excited for you! how awsome that you have employment, and office work, i know you will like that! i hope all is well! *love*