29 January 2008

when your little dreams come reality....


1. Went to an 8am orientation for work downtown. After finally finding parking and getting there, I was ecstatic to know that in one short month, I can have health insurance. Dental insurance. Life insurance. Paid time off.

2. Was inspired by another new employee who talked about working for a non-profit being her dream since she'd graduated from college. I'm so thankful that I was able to get into the non-profit world faster than many.

3. Met many employees at my office - too many to remember! Every single one of them nice, ecstatic to meet me (even if they just came down for the donuts and fruit!)

4. Encouraged as my supervisor commented that I "catch on fast" and she's willing to let me learn things at my pace

5. I have a computer account and e-mail address, soon will have a direct phone number.

6. Went to a dinner for one of my volunteer places. Took a student home, she makes my day every time I see her.

7. Went to bed early, only to realize my work day doesn't start until 10am!

It's a good start to the week, didn't encounter "a case of the Mondays" - my pipe dream of working for a non-profit has finally come to truth. It will be a long road still, but there I am.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Yay! Sounds like your new job will be a winner! :) I'm so excited and happy for you hon! Enjoy! :)