22 April 2008


hi there. how are you doing? I hope you're doing well.

life lately has been busy but not terribly exciting. a general week follows:

mondays: work, relax, chill
tuesdays: work, arabic class, roommate time
wednesdays: work, tutoring
thursdays: work, aerobic class
fridays: work
weekends: clean, attempt to do free laundry somewheres, go for bike rides/walks, hang out, spend time with roomie

that's life lately. not very exciting, but at least semi-busy. how about you?


me said...

where is your aerobic class?

Anonymous said...

so, arabic and aerobic look almost the same...especially when reading fast! which exercises you more?

Nikki said...

the class is part of community ed, at a local high school

Nikki said...
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