06 January 2009

sha la la la

Hello all.

Christmas and New Year's are done. I don't have many pictures to post because I let the rest of the family take pictures and I'm waiting to receive said pictures from them. But it was a nice restful holiday and now it's good to be back in Minneapolis.

Someone who had a fantastically exciting Christmas break was my friend Kelly, who went to Cambodia to see her sister! She has fantastic pictures posted, plus a fun little post about someone we all love when she was in the LA airport - so jealous!

Hope your Christmases were great. One of the highlight presents was a book called Things that Make Us [Sic], a perfectly fantastic book about proper grammar usage!

Here is one of my favorite pictures from my vacation, while my brother took some test pictures with the camera and we sat and waited for him...


K and/or K said...

I am glad to hear you had a wonderful trip as well! Happy New Year!

Andrea said...

Hmmm. Creepy picture...