16 December 2009

Valentine's Day Visit

So, last night I got to tell my dear friend about a plan that has been in the works for a few weeks, and it all revolves around her!

For Christmas, I collaborated with my best friend's, Sarah's, parents and husband to get her a flight to fly out to Minneapolis over Valentine's Day weekend. It was tricky!

You see, my best friend who is like a sister to me, has just moved to California with her husband and little baby. She and I have been talking about how long it has been since we've seen each other and how much we want to spend time with her. I knew that I wanted to see her and that she wanted to spend more time with my boyfriend getting to know him.

So, after talking with Nick, we agreed that it was important to try to get her to come visit. I e-mailed her sister-in-law, a mutual friend of ours, and asked for Sarah's mom's contact info. You see, the other issue was that there was no way to contact her husband without her knowing about it. They don't have a home phone. He doesn't have his own e-mail, own Facebook, or cell phone. Everything is shared.

So, I shot an e-mail to Sarah's mom and we started frantically planning. There are so many people to thank for making this happen - thanks, Andrea, for hooking me up with the contact info I need! Thanks, Sarah's parents for being willing to make this work! Thank you to Sarah's husband for being willing to be without his wife on her birthday and on Valentine's day, 2 pretty big days in anyone's life! Thanks to my parents, who helped transfer frequent flyer miles to make this ticket affordable to everyone involved.

To end the story, I want to just tell a little bit about how I got to tell Sarah about her gift. We were talking on the phone, as we do probably 3-6 times a week. I was on my way to Nick's and she was preparing dinner, mentioning that her parents were coming over for dinner soon. I thought to myself, "What a perfect time to tell her about the gift when her parents arrive, since they were so involved."

As Sarah was getting ready to end the phone conversation because her parents had arrived, I said, "Wait one minute, I have one more thing to tell you. What are you doing for your birthday?" Well, of course she didn't have plans yet. So, I asked, "How would you like to come to Minneapolis?"

Much screaming and squealing ensued. I was told there was lots of jumping down and her family laughed at her excitement. We talked about when she was coming, leaving, and all the amazing things that we can do while she is here visiting.

I am so ecstatic to have my dearest friend in the universe coming to visit me once more. I'm sure you will see many pictures in February once the visit actually happens!!


K and/or K said...

That is the most thoughtful gift! I love your scheme!

Sabrina said...

I am so excited for you!! I know what it's like to have your BFF far away... what a treat this will be for both of you!

Andrea said...

I'm glad it worked out! :)