27 October 2007

Not just any place...

Well, friends, I sit in the coffee shop for what may just be the last time to pilfer internet.

That's right, we have promise of internet next week. We got the official flyer in the mail this week and they say they can get it going for us. 2 months later, it's finally going to happen! I am feeling much excitement, and quite thusly enjoy talking in such manner.

And, I'm going to a Halloween Parade today. And not just any parade...a parade in the Halloween Capital of the World.

That's right. Maybe they're self-proclaimed like LeMars and their ice cream, but it's quite exciting to be going. Although, it's a tad chilly out, so that is not the highlight of the day, but I'm quite excited for the parade. Apparently they throw out free candy. Hoorah.

Well, then, I shall go and get groceries before going to the parade in...where was that? Oh, yes...the Halloween Capital of the World.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I miss you, Nikki Sue aka Frau Nikki. Please continue to be my friend.