27 May 2009

grow up.

Stumbled across this article today as I was catching up on my Google reader. If you don't use a reader, you should. I play daily catch-up at work, but the long weekend overflowed my reader with 800+ items.

The article comes from a blog/site called Tomato Nation, and it's called "25 and Over." 20 hard realities about how you should act when you turn 25.

Okay, so I'm only 23 going on 24, so I like that I don't do all of these and supposedly can get away with them for another year-ish. But the blog made me smile at how harsh and true it was. Maybe everything they say isn't quite legitimate, but I'll share with you anyway:

4. Develop a physical awareness of your surroundings. As children, we live in our own heads, bonking into things, gnawing on twigs, emitting random squawks because we don't know how to talk yet. Then, we enter nursery school. You, having graduated college or reached a similar age to that of the college graduate, need to learn to sense others and get out of their way. Walk single file. Don't blather loudly in public spaces. Give up your seat to those with disabilities or who are struggling with small children. Take your headphones off while interacting with clerks and passersby. Do not walk along and then stop suddenly. It is not just you on the street; account for that fact.

8. Do not share the crazy dream you had last night with anyone but your mental wellness professional. Nobody cares. People who starred in the dream may care, but confine your synopsis to ten words or fewer.

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