09 June 2010

new job thoughts

I've had a lot of people ask me how I'm liking my job, my office, my new location, etc. And as I answer, I realize that there are a few things that top the list of "faves" with the new job...

*I love, love, love being downtown and being able to walk around and run errands, like going to the transit store, the bank, or the post office
*I equally love, love, love taking the light rail in to work, which not only gives me some quiet time, but it also gives me some KDWB time as well as motivation to do some more walking
*I quite enjoy having my own office. Although I don't get much of a chance to shut my door, it's nice to have my own space with four walls!
*I love learning new things. 4 weeks later, there are still things that I'm learning to do
*I love the independence I've been given - I know what I need to be doing. Most of the time, the assumption is that I can do it in whatever way or timing I choose, as long as it gets done by a deadline.

Those are just a few things I love. The list for things I dislike is so short and I'm trying to shorten it to none, so I won't even go there!


Andrea said...

Sounds awesome! Way to use public transit!

Sabrina said...

And you get to work with my favorite cousin!
Great seeing you last night! :)