29 December 2006

Respite from Respite...

I've been working like a crazy woman these past few days, doing respite for HH. I'm working because I know they need it, but it's exhausting. I've already worked 27 hours in 3 days (20 of those were straight) and have about that many left to work by the end of Saturday.

So I'm appreciating the break that was scheduled in for me today. Yesterday was an endless day. I go back from 3-3:30, 5-8, and then sleep over starting at 11pm.

In other news...Sarah comes back tomorrow! I'm excited, although sad she had such a short break at home. We leave in just a few days for Connecticut, a trip I'm really excited about.

Life here has pretty much gone back to normal. Work, killing time, thinking about books for next semester....except now I'm dreading the classes, worried I'll be "bored out of my gourd."

It will be good. At least it's only one more semester. And I have people to talk to :) That helps tons.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You have boring classes this semester? Do you wish you were back in CR?