20 April 2009

and now for something completely different

1. What is your current obsession?
Just one? I can only pick one. Okay, Twilight. I'm addicted. Counting the minutes until my coworker finishes reading so that I can keep reading. Oh, and Gossip Girl.

2. What’s a good coffee place?
In my stomach where it belongs :)

3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
Mm, that's a good question. I think I hugged Amanda in church yesterday.

4. Do you nap a lot?
Not as much as I used to. I still do snag a nap every once in a while.

5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Hmm, just had some lovely tortillas with cheese, salsa, and black beans.

6. What was the last thing that you bought?
A plane ticket to Nashville for my birthday!

7. What is your favorite weather?
I love a perfectly gorgeous, sunny, 70-some degree weather day.

8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
Hmm, I dunno. I don't know who will play along, I am not a psychic.

9. If you were given a free house that was fully furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
Right now? I'd like it to be in Minneapolis. But can I move it to other parts of the world if I decide to move?

10. Name three things that you could not live without.
Music, my family and friends (that counts as one!), distraction.

11. What would you like in your hands right now?
Who wrote this? Dirty, dirty minds.

12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
War with the Roses and Cheater's Club on KDWB.

13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
I need to stop being a canceller.

14. As a child, what type of career did you want?
I was going to be a teacher. I was going to rock out awesome bulletin boards and be one of those cool teachers you remembered learning from.

15. What are you missing right now?
The sun! What happened?!

16. What are you currently reading?
The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks (reread), waiting to read Twilight #3

17. What do you fear the most?
Being alone.

18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
I've seen some bad ones lately. I really liked The Station Agent.

19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
I refuse to choose.

20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Ketchup Sandwiches.


K and/or K said...

XOXO! So happy you have joined the bandwagon!

Sabrina said...

XOXO! WElcome to the club!

Andrea said...

I, too, am waiting for Eclipse.:) We'll have to have a book convo!