29 April 2009

Last night I had the strangest dream....

So, here's the dream I had last night. Some of you may appreciate it more than others. To give it some background, starting this week I will be working Wednesday mornings at our downtown branch. We have 4 branches in all, I work at our Lake Street branch normally.

So, I go to bed reminding myself, "Tomorrow I go DT first" because I always fear that I will forget. Here's the dream:So, I wake up on Wednesday morning and get ready for the day, thinking, "Go downtown. Go downtown." I leave my apartment and drive to the Lake Street office without another thought. I'm the first one there, so I open up the building and get things going.

Janet is the next to arrive. Janet is a very sweet, kind lady who is fun to talk to. She's been around our agency for years. She heads upstairs to her office. Minutes later, I remember something that I need to do upstairs and run up there, only to witness Janet burning down half of the 2nd floor.

I walk downstairs when my coworker, Annie, and my boss, Angie, come in the door with another supervisor. I pull the other supervisor aside to explain to her what's happened because she works upstairs and has authority up there. I'm explaining that part of the 2nd floor has been exploded/blown up. She wants to know who's responsible. I hesitate to tell her who's responsible. Annie comes up and knows exactly what's going on.She says, "You want to know who did it? Well, it would be the person that we refer to as 'Madonna'" Apparently Janet, a lovely, older woman, is now "Madonna". And she's responsible.

I'm helping to clean up all the mess when I look at the clock and realize it's 8:30am and I was supposed to be downtown at 8am. I rush out of the building and find myself in our Bloomington office. That's not the right place. I call downtown and someone else answers, so I know someone else is covering until I get there. I leave Bloomington and finally arrive downtown, only to ask, "So do I get mileage for all of the trips that I just made to different offices?"


Sabrina said...

You are Kelly on Wednesday Mornings? Aren't you lucky!

I dreamt that I was chillin' with Obama. He had a bad comb-over!

kel said...

Dreams are so weird!!!

K and/or K said...

I had a work dream last night about MCW peeps! Strange. They were referring to me as the girl with the Mexican haircut. What is that about? A Cinco de Mayo flavor to it?