30 March 2006


I need to do that in real life.

I have a mid-term due tomorrow by the "end of the day." I have spent the last two hours working on it and have 4 of 6 pages "done." I put that in quotatio marks because I don't know if I'm happy with it, but it is done.

In happy news, I ate supper at my old apartment today. I told them, effectively, that I haven't laughed and had company at the dinner table like that in a long time. The conversation included things I don't remember anymore, but I do remember smiling and laughing and thinking I would like it to last.

Tomorrow is Friday. Dinner party #3 of the semester. At 8pm, come watch Spanglish in S101 with Club Hispano. Chips and Salsa and Apple pop :)

Okay, back to write about one more page of info and conclude my midterm. Tomorrow I'll decide I don't like it and change half of it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh, dinner parties. How I love thy chicken.