15 January 2006

Sunday night

Sunday night. I'm sitting at my desk trying to determine if my sore knee is from residue pain from the dislocation or if it's from when I hit my knee on the steering wheel today or if it's a combination of the two. Either way, it makes for a sore knee, which is not the nicest thing in the world.

Semester started. But you know that already. It amazes me how easily I can grow so full of things to do. 2 weekly meetings, 6 hours of ASK Center work, 4 hours of Hope Haven work, 18.5 hours of class, GEMS every other week...It gets to be some pretty busy days in there, especially with plenty of homework thrown in there.

But I'm still excited for my classes. I'm interested to see what they hold. My missions class is focusing on issues that we specifically chose, so I think that will be good. I'm still unsure about my world religions class - I'm not sure that I agree with the way that the professor proposed that we learn about world religions, but that doesn't mean that it will be a horrible class. I tend to think that I'll learn that I agree with him, he just didn't use the right method of explaining. We shall see.

I'm rejoicing, realizing that I've finished my homework, which means that I can work on finishing my "Street Children" book before I start another book. And get enough sleep for another long day.


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