16 February 2006

mush mush mushity mush

somewhere between 1:00 this morning and 6:00 this morning, I slept. After taking the test, my first thought, was "Crap! I should have slept less and studied more." That's never a good sign.

Also not a good sign: When one classmate says "3 hours? You only studied three hours? I studied 12."

That's right. And she wasn't kidding. That's 2 days in a row that I've studied like crazy for a test and only felt so-so about the test. What have I gotten myself into this semester?

The good news is, this week is on a downhill roll now. The rest of my day is consumed with high school string festival events. I had hoped it would get cancelled due to snow, but, alas, it was not.

Tomorrow, I only have a one class's worth of homework due...it's a beautiful things when profs feel sympathetic.

I'm thinking about changing my blog title. Anyone got anything good? I want something intelligent, lasting, profound, and "me-like".

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