22 February 2006

time for a real post

Today, is the list of things that I miss:

1. Sleeping in a hammock
2. Having random people say random things constantly
3. Having Jack around (that will be remedied soon!)
4. Getting enough sleep
5. having free time to do the things I'd like to do
6. Rachel, who's in Costa Rica (who I won't see until December...??!!)
7. 65 degree weather

Here's the list of things I am so thankful for:

1. An awesome bed to sleep in (when I get there)
2. A fun, funky, random apartment
3. Friends who sit down and talk with me
4. Time to complete my homework (even if I don't have free time...)
5. Haircuts to make me feel better
6. Time for devotions
7. My lovely kids at work

1 comment:

Wesley said...

i heart hammocks